Prison island tour in Zanzibar is an half day tour, Prison island is also known as Changuu island, the name "prison island" came after this unique island being used by some sultans of Zanzibar to detain the recalcitrant slaves, it is found about 25 to 30 minutes boat ride (motorized) from the Stone town.
The Maasai Experience Of the large number of tribes in East Africa, the Maasai is easily one of the most emblematic of East Africa. Known as fierce warriors, this nomadic tribe is actually very friendly and open to visitors. Many of them still live a very traditional lifestyle and are easy to spot by their distinctive clothing.
Wildebeest Migration (calving – Serengeti plains)Every year around 1.5 million wildebeests and hundreds of thousands of zebras cross the Serengeti plains on the search of fresh food and water, creating the largest terrestrial mammal migration. During this fight for survival, many wildebeest die, usually victims of the many predators that lie on the way and from exhaustion and starvation.
The Hadzabe are one of the few true hunter-gatherer tribes left in the world. They live in simple temporary shelters and live by hunting with bows, using poisoned arrow-tips for large game.
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